72 Hour Emergency Supplies Kit
In the event of a natural, or manmade, disaster it may be necessary to use your RV as a lifeboat. You may need to
be able to survive in there for 72 hours until help arrives or you can safely evacuate. Naturally, if you know ahead of time that
something is coming, you can get out of Dodge fast. But, if you have to leave in a hurry you may not have time to pack the necessary
supplies that you'll need to sustain life and chances are the shelves in the local stores are already empty. By using some of the
following guidelines you'll be better prepared for such an emergency.
Building Your Family's 72 Hour Kits
This page is intended to help you prepare for disasters (large and small) before they happen. Using this procedure, your
family can assemble a 72 hour and emergency evacuation kit in small steps over a six month period. Check off each item for each week as
you gather the contents and finish the "To Do" work. Supplies may be stored all together in a large plastic garbage can or food
may be kept on kitchen or pantry shelves. Remember to rotate your perishable supplies and change water as needed for freshness. An
asterisk (*) next to an item means "for each family member". Or if you choose, just collect the items from in house, purchase what
you don’t have and you are good to go.
Remember: Check the kit every few months to be sure your supplies are fresh!
Create a Family Disaster Supplies Kit
To Get Started:
- Check your house for supplies that you already have on hand.
- Decide where you will store supplies (food may be packed together in a single container or kept on shelves for easy rotation.
- Meet With Your Family To Plan.
- Discuss the types of disasters that could occur.
- Explain how to prepare; explain when and how to respond.
- Discuss what to do if you need to evacuate.
Should You Evacuate?
- Where will you go?
- How will you get there?
- What is your alternate route?
- What must you take with you?
Practice your plan.
- Suggested Foods
- Select based on your family's needs and preferences. Pick low-salt, water-packed varieties when possible.
- Canned Meat: Tuna, chicken, ravioli, chili, beef stew, spam, corned beef, etc.
- Vegetables: Green beans, kernel corn, peas, beets, kidney beans, carrots, etc.
- Fruit: Pears, peaches, mandarin oranges, applesauce, etc.
- Cereal: Cheerios, Chex, Kix, Shredded Wheat, etc.
- Quick Energy Snacks: Granola bars, raisins, etc.
Remember to rotate your supplies as needed for freshness!
- In case of evacuation, your emergency evacuation or "Go-Pack" should:
- Be in a back pack or other similar container that is easily carried.
- Contain your most important items such as a change of clothes, coins for pay phones, out-of-state contact info,
medications, important papers, etc.
Note: Items marked with an asterisk "*" should be purchased for each member of the household.
For water, plan to have one gallon of water, per person, per day! Pets should be counted also when figuring water!
Week 1, From Grocery Store
Week 2, From Hardware Store
Week 3, From Grocery Store
Week 4, From Hardware Store
1 gallon Water*
1 jar Peanut Butter
32 oz canned Juice
1 manual Can Opener
Instant Coffee, Tea, and Powdered Drink Mix
Permanent Marking Pen to mark dates
1 gal Water per Pet
ALSO: Pet food, Diapers, Baby food
To Do:
Make Family Plan
Date perishable food items using pen
Crescent Wrench
50 ft Heavy Rope
1 roll Duct Tape
2 Flashlights with batteries
"Bungee" Cords
ALSO: Pet leash or carrier
To Do:
Check for household hazards
Add latches to kitchen cabinet doors and acquire / install window protection devices
1 gallon Water*
8 oz canned meat*
16 oz canned Fruit
1 box Sanitary Napkins
1 Video Tape
ALSO: Pet food, Diapers, Baby food
To Do:
Video tape home contents for insurance purposes
Store video tape in a secure location
1 roll Plumber's Tape
1 Crow Bar
Smoke Detector with batteries
Also: extra medications or prescriptions marked "emergency use" if needed
To Do:
Install / Test smoke detectors
Plan for Pet sheltering
Week 5, From Grocery Store
Week 6, From First Aid Supply Store
Week 7, From Grocery Store
Week 8, From First Aid Supply Store
1 gallon Water*
8 oz canned Meat*
16 oz canned Fruit*
16 oz canned Vegetables*
2 roll Toilet Paper*
Extra Toothbrush*
ALSO: Special Diet Foods if needed
To Do:
Have home fire drill
Aspirin or Acetominophin
Roller Gauze
First Aid Tape
Adhesive Bandages
ALSO: Extra hearing aid batteries if needed
To Do:
Check into Day Care or School Disaster Plans if you have children
1 gallon Water*
16 oz Ready-To-Eat Soup*
16 oz canned Fruit*
16 oz canned Vegetables*
1 gal Water per Pet
ALSO: Extra plastic baby bottles, formula and diapers if needed
To Do:
Establish an Emergency Contact
Liquid Hand Soap
Disposable hand wipes
Sewing Kit
ALSO: Extra glasses, saline solution, contact lenses and lens case if needed
To Do:
Place extra shoes and flashlight under beds for emergency use at night
Week 9, From Grocery Store
Week 10, From Hardware Store
Week 11, From Grocery Store
Week 12, From First Aid Supply Store
1 gallon Water*
16 oz Ready-To-Eat Soup*
Liquid Dish Soap
Plain Liquid Bleach
1 box Heavy Garbage Bags
1 gal Water per Pet
ALSO: Extra Pet food, Diapers, Baby food
To Do:
Place "family photos" in a secure place
Waterproof portable plastic container with lid for important papers
Portable AM/FM radio with batteries
ALSO: Blankets or sleeping bags for each family member
To Do:
Photocopy important documents
Store securely
32 oz canned Juice*
Large plastic food bags
1 box energy snacks
3 roll paper towels
ALSO: Sunscreen
To Do:
Store a roll of quarters and dimes for phone calls
Locate nearest payphone
Anti-diarrhea medicine
Rubbing alcohol
2 pr latex gloves
Ipecac syrup and activated charcoal
children's vitamins
ALSO: Denture care items if needed
To Do:
Locate utility shut offs and show the family
Week 13, From Hardware Store
Week 14, From Grocery Store
Week 15, From Hardware Store
Week 16, From Grocery Store
ABC Fire Extinguisher
To Do:
Take First Aid and CPR classes
16 oz canned Fruit*
8 oz canned Meat*
16 oz canned Vegetables*
1 pk Paper Plates
1 pk Plastic Utensils
1 pk Paper Cups
Adult Vitamins
To Do:
Plan to check on neighbors
Extra Flashlight with batteries
1 roll Masking Tape
Assorted Nails
"L" brackets for securing furniture
Wood Screws
To Do:
Check roof turbines and prepare covers or plan for storage
Secure Water Heater and other appliances and furniture against movement
8 oz canned Meat*
16 oz canned Vegetables*
Heavy Garbage Bags
Quick energy snacks
To Do:
Find neighborhood safety organizations
Join them
Week 17, From Grocery Store
Week 18, From Hardware Store
Week 19, From Grocery Store
Week 20, From Hardware Store
1 box Graham Crackers
Assorted plastic containers with lids
Assorted safety pins
Dry cereal
To Do:
Arrange for friend or neighbor to care for children when needed
Latches or fasteners for cupboards
Double sided tape and velcro fasteners
To Do:
Pack a "go-pack" in case of evacuation
Finish securing cabinets, furniture and appliances
Heavy garbage bags
Quick energy snacks
To Do:
Have home disaster drill
Camping or utility knife
Extra radio with batteries
ALSO: Purchase emergency escape ladder for second floor bedrooms if needed
To Do:
Learn workplace disaster plans
Week 21, From Hardware Store
Week 22, From Grocery Store
Week 23, From Hardware Store
Week 24, From Grocery Store
Heavy work gloves
Disposable dust masks
Safety goggles
Extra manual can opener
3 roll Paper towels
Camping lantern with extra fuel or batteries
Extra flashlights with batteries
Large plastic food containers
Plastic food wrap
Aluminum Foil
Submitted by Mike Sundberg - 3/24/06
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